New Haven Area Services


  • City of New Haven (Gas, Water, Sewer, Trash)
  • Ameren UE
  • Fidelity (Phone & Internet)
  • 4 Rivers Electric
  • Other Trashman- Trash Service


  • New Haven Elementary School
  • New Haven Middle/High School
  • Washington School District
  • Herman School District
  • East Central College
  • Preschool Options

Public Amenities

  • Scenic Regional Library
  • City Park
  • City Pool
  • Youth League (Softball/ Baseball)
  • Walking/ Biking Trails

Public Safety

  • New Haven Ambulance District
  • New Haven Fire District
  • New Haven Police Department
  • Franklin County Sheriff’s Office

Government Contacts

  • Franklin County Collector
  • Franklin County Assessor Office
  • Franklin County Building Department
  • Franklin County Planning & Zoning
  • Franklin County Court
  • Franklin County Health Department
  • Franklin County License Office (Department of Motor Vehicles)
  • Herman License Office (Department of Motor Vehicles)


  • New Haven Independent Newspaper