You Won’t Regret this

Join the New Haven Area Chamber of Commerce Today!

There are so many benefits to Joining

Online Directory/Referrals

We have an online system to allow our members to post images, job openings, events, news releases, link websites and social accounts and much more.

Networking Opportunities

Through our meetings, member mingles, annual gatherings; you will be given the opportunity to meet other members and community members.

Event Sponsorship

Sponsoring an event through the chamber will give your business great exposure through event advertising and signage at the events.

Spring Fling 2023
Email Updates

Stay up to date with the Chamber and Community Events and Information. Business resources and member news in our monthly newsletter.

Advertising Opportunities

Advertising through our Chamber Instagram and Facebook Pages, on our Website, and in published advertisements.

Ribbon Cuttings

Published in our local paper and all our our social media accounts, will give you added exposure and an opportunity you cannot afford to miss.

Newsletter and Blog Features

Monthly newsletters will provide an opportunity for our local businesses to shine. It will also give you an opportunity to provide educational insight into your field of expertise.

Insurance Discounts

Chamber Benefit Plan: Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield gives smaller businesses the opportunity to team up and share the risk, resulting in lower premiums for better benefits.

Educational Opportunities

We will be working with other local area chambers and SCORE to offer lunch training sessions on a number of topics in Marketing, Human Resources, Business Planning, and so much more..

“Welcome to New Haven, Missouri.”
